
Letters to the press, 07/02/23: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.’ For the sake of Scotland, let us hope history is repeating itself.”

Letters to the press, 01/02/23: “Upon leaving her altar of blunders, our great administrator-in-chief, Nicola Sturgeon, says she will scribble together a tome reflecting her time in office”

UK annual defence procurement worth more than £2 billion to Scotland – Gov.UK

Letters to the press, 27/01/23: “Flynn’s arrogant, sneezing attitude to those who were not of a similar political persuasion was utterly astonishing and shameful”

Letters to the press, 25/01/23: “The UK Government couldn’t have picked a better issue or fight to begin a common-sense reset of devolution, expose the SNP Greens’ vulnerability and, well, stupidity”

Letters to the press, 20/01/23: “Her dictatorial grip on the party is waning as the Westminster contingent experiences rising levels of dissatisfaction with her lack of progress on independence”

Letters to the press, 18/01/23: “For the SNP this is overwhelmingly just the next stage in their long war of attrition to try to break up the UK”

By focusing on independence, Scotland ignores the world – Chatham House