
‘Fans prefer to walk back to city centre’, says minister amid train chaos – STV News

Letters to the press, 24/05/22: “We’re missing the point on Nicola Sturgeon’s retraction from her “Closing the attainment gap” aim. She has realised that being poorly educated and thoughtless is a major attribute to fortifying the numbers of her followers. So perhaps her next promise will be to close all private schools, so increasing the chances to achieve a zero attainment gap at a mediocre level, providing more fodder for the Indyref2 machine”

Letters to the press, 20/05/22: When former principal teacher of social subjects Jenny Gilruth became transport minister in January she said it was an opportunity to “help Scotland become a world leader in achieving our goal to become net-zero by 2045″. I’m not sure if she was meaning carbon emissions or ScotRail journeys.”

Chaos on ScotRail trains as teenage yobs ‘running wild’ leave passengers pleading for action – Daily Express

Transport workers to protest over government’s COP26 ‘betrayal’ – STV news

Fury as rail fares in Scotland to go up by 3.8% next month as cost of living crisis bites – Daily Record