
Salmond unveils Alba Party’s plans for referendum Bill at Holyrood – STV News

Scotland wasting time on constitutional disputes, says thinktank – The Guardian

SNP to use next General Election as Scottish independence plan – BBC News

Letters to the Press, 03/10/23: Where’s My Indy Polling Card, Even More Holyrood Commissioners.

Letters to the Press, 27/09/23: NHS Winter Woes, Flynn Attack, Basic Policing Needed.

Radical Independence Campaign announces conference to ‘break the impasse’ – Yahoo News

Letters to the Press, 20/09/23: De-functo SNP Poll, Spaced out thinking, Urban Bias.

Nine years on from indyref, the SNP is resorting to dangerous political fantasy – The Scotsman

Letters to the Press, 13/09/23: Green light for ‘safe spaces’ for drug users