
Letters to the press, 14/04/22: First Minister shouldn’t throw stones; she’s in her own greenhouse. Political point scoring. It’s up to the SNP to find extra NHS cash. Scottish Greens will work with you…unless they disagree with you.

Letters to the press, 11/04/22: “Many are unaware the Scottish Government that has full autonomy over the NHS in Scotland but clap like performing seals when the First Minister deflects issues as the fault of Westminster. When they are driving around the traffic cones, barriers, temporary traffic lights and over the thousands of potholes on their way to the polling booth and perhaps think of how many drug deaths could have been avoided, food banks made extinct, littered streets cleaned and services supported with the millions squandered on malicious prosecutions, compensation pay-outs, pretendy foreign embassies and the ferry follies while reducing the shipbuilding pride of the Clyde to joke status”

Letters to the press, 08/04/22: Scotland could do so much better. Will railways be another disaster? Poll predictions awry. SNP make me feel guilty to be proud.

Letters to the press, 05/04/22: Just how much more have the good folks of Scotland got to put up with from this feeble excuse for an administration, the political case of which is built entirely on historical emotion, and grievance against the UK? One thing they are good at is the adoption of the blame game – to quote that auld Scots expression: “It wisnae me”.

Letters to the press, 01/04/22: “Before 2014 I was largely comfortable in my identity; I was Scottish and British. In 2014 it was open to attack for the first time. The SNP has used every election, local and national, to campaign for another referendum where not only your political views are questioned, but your sense of identity as well.”

Letters to the press, 30/03/22: ‘”There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics”. This quote could apply to the SNP regarding the ferries shambles, the Prestwick Airport shambles, the Salmond inquiry and the attempt to rewrite Scottish history.’

Letters to the press, 28/03/22: “The problem in Scotland, however, is the vast majority of our 4.3m registered voters are still oblivious to what is going on, wouldn’t know a defunct Ferguson ferry if it docked in their back garden, and the opposition parties continually fail to breach this wall of apathy with any compelling, positive, convincing message.”

Alex Salmond brands Nicola Sturgeon independence referendum plan ‘not particularly credible’ – Daily Record

The SNP has missed its chance for Scottish independence – The New Statesman

Letters to the press, 25/03/22: “When it comes to conceiving, ordering, commissioning and executing major projects, the SNP Government is all at sea. Unlike the ferries.”