
We Need to Talk About Scotland – Chokka blog (Chairman of These Islands)

Why is Nicola Sturgeon gambling on a Scottish independence referendum no one wants? – The New Statesman

Nicola Sturgeon’s indyref dream in tatters as economist warns independent Scotland will start with £180bn debt – Daily Express

It’s time for Westminster to take on the SNP – The Spectator

Letters to the Scottish press special, 15/06/22: IndyRef2 – Here We Go Again

Letters to the press, 14/06/22: “Sir John Kay – sometime economics adviser to Alex Salmond – tells us in a new book that a separate Scotland “would begin independent life carrying a pro-rata share of UK debt in the region of £180 billion”. Scotland would also need to borrow, he adds, to cover its budget deficit of between £10bn and £20bn, every year. This raises a few points…”

SNP urged to ‘come clean’ about second independence referendum – The Guardian

Letters to the press, 09/6/22: “The much-vaunted alcohol pricing initiative of Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP, like so many other of their key projects, has been declared a failure. Those with severe dependency problems were apparently cutting back on food and nutrition in order to pay for their drink. It gives me no pleasure to say that many forecast this was exactly what would happen.”

Letters to the press, 07/6/22: “lf, as seems certain, there is no referendum next year, what will the SNP do with the £20 million of our taxes they have set aside for it? They could, I suppose, build another couple of pretend embassies, say in Outer Mongolia or the Sahara desert. Or fund some more jaunts overseas for their leading figures to grandstand.”

Letters to the press, 01/6/22: “Ian Blackford is in Cuba for a holiday. However, if he wanted to see a nation with crumbling infrastructure and an inflated public sector ruled by a single party with disastrously socialistic policies led by a long-serving leader who has mismanaged the economy, he could have stayed in Scotland.”