
Letters to the press, 22/11/22: ‘The SNP wants to make everything “free” Do the individuals who work in extractive and chemical industries work for nothing?’

Letters to the press, 18/11/22: “The SNP’s Emma Harper stuttered a scripted contribution in `Scots’, including the bewildering sentence: ‘The Scots leid is a michtie important pairt o Scotland’s cultural heirship, kythin in sang, poems and leeterature, and in ilkaday yaise in wir communities forby'”

Ditching sterling would slash household incomes – Daily Business

Scottish Greens ‘buried’ damning report into currency options for independent Scotland – Daily Record

Scottish independence: Plan for ‘Scottish pound’ to be announced next week, says Nicola Sturgeon – iNews

Most voters against Scottish independence referendum taking place in 2023, poll finds – Daily Record

Letters to the press, 06/10/22: “The demise of our health service is a reflection of the SNP’s total incompetence. It’s time its supporters took cognisance of the facts instead of listening to the constant stream of propaganda from Holyrood”

Letters to the press, 04/10/22: “Well done Nicola Sturgeon and all of the SNP cronies in turning a proud country into a third-world, banana-republic dictatorship. Shame on you all for putting the citizens of this country in peril while blithely pursuing your own selfish desires”