
Letters to the press, 01/12/22: ‘The SNP has put all its energy policy eggs in the “wind” basket’.

The First Minister has changed the tone of independence debate but not for the better – Sunday Post

Indyref2: Chief civil servant urged to check legality of using £20m of public funds on referendum – GB News

Letters to the press, 29/11/22: “It was not the UK Government that raised the issue, it was your own party, knowing full well what the result would be. The constitution is a reserved matter, hence one can only think that this is yet another plank in the SNP policy of stoking up grievance”

Newly independent Scotland would see living standards decline for up to 60 years, academic claims – The Scotsman

Letters to the press, 24/11/22: Supreme Court Special – IndyRefNo

The SNP Government comparing Scotland to Kosovo is an insult to the 10,000 dead – The Sun

Supreme Court ruling leaves Sturgeon’s indy strategy in tatters – Reaction