NHS Scotland could lose half its junior doctors in next two years – STV News
/in Covid-19, Health Matters, NHS Scotland, Scotland Under the SNP, Scottish Government, SNP, STV News /by sm_adminNHS Grampian chief promises action as ambulances ‘queue up’ outside Aberdeen Royal Infirmary – Aberdeen Live
/in Aberdeen Live, Health Matters, NHS Scotland, North East Matters, Scottish Government, SNP /by sm_adminScotland’s A&E waiting times worst on record – BBC News
/in BBC, Health Matters, NHS Scotland, Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Government, SNP /by sm_adminMSP Murdo Fraser slams NHS over ‘atrocious’ A&E waiting times – Fife Times
/in Health Matters, NHS Scotland /by sm_adminNHS in Scotland is broken and all the staff I know are working on an escape plan, Dr Lailah Peel – The Scotsman
/in Health Matters, NHS Scotland, Scottish Government, SNP, The Scotsman /by sm_adminNumber of cancelled ambulance calls rockets by 670 per cent in Scotland as patients make own way to hospital – Daily Record
/in Daily Record, Health Matters, NHS Scotland, Scotland Matters /by sm_adminScotland A&E delays could be causing deaths of dozens of patients every week, doctors warn – Inews
/in Covid-19, Health Matters /by sm_admin240 Scots die as a result of delays at A&E departments – The Scotsman
/in Covid-19, Health Matters, The Scotsman /by sm_adminNHS board tells patients not to go to A&E unless ‘life-threatening’ – BBC news
/in BBC, Covid-19, Health Matters, Scottish devolution /by sm_adminScotland Matters is registered with the UK Electoral Commission as a non-party campaigner. Our objective and activities are to:
Promote the benefits of being in the UK.
Highlight the issues of separation.
And communicate this to Scotland’s voters.