NHS board tells patients not to go to A&E unless ‘life-threatening’ – BBC news
/in BBC, Covid-19, Health Matters, Scottish devolution /by sm_adminMinimum pricing for alcohol: another nanny-state flop – Spiked.com
/in Health Matters, Scotland Under the SNP, Scottish Government, SNP /by sm_adminInvestigation into mental health care for young Scots prompted ministerial pledges of reform so what happened? It got worse – The Sunday Post
/in Health Matters, Scottish Government, The Sunday Post /by sm_adminScottish Government’s NHS remobilisation group ‘abandoned’ – The Scotsman
/in Covid-19, Health Matters, Scottish Government, The Scotsman /by sm_adminScottish Government silent on pandemic handling criticism amid calls for Holyrood inquiry – The Scotsman
/in Covid inquiry, Covid-19, Health Matters, Scottish devolution, Scottish Government, The Scotsman /by sm_adminLatest A&E waiting times worst on record again – BBC news
/in BBC, Health Matters, Scottish devolution /by sm_adminNHS ‘failing to meet core needs’ of staff – healthandcare.scot
/in Health Matters, Scottish Government /by sm_adminSNP ‘spinning’ away mental health crisis as kids knocked back for treatment – The Sun
/in Health Matters, NHS Scotland, The Sun /by sm_adminAnother quango won’t fix our social care crisis – Glasgow Evening Times
/in Health Matters, Scottish Government /by sm_adminScotland Matters is registered with the UK Electoral Commission as a non-party campaigner. Our objective and activities are to:
Promote the benefits of being in the UK.
Highlight the issues of separation.
And communicate this to Scotland’s voters.