Letters to the press, 25/10/21: It came as no surprise to read that more is spent in Scotland on school pupils than in anywhere else in the UK. That it is £800 per pupil did come as a bit of a shock. What did also not come as a surprise was to learn that this increase in spending did not translate into better standards and performance.

Letters to the press, 18/10/21: “I wonder whether the electric vehicles that will whisk COP26 delegates from their cruise ship accommodation to the conference venues have dark-tinted windows? That would help to protect them from the sight of mounds of rubbish and scurrying rats”.

Letters to the press, 11/10/21: “She may well have cornered the “yoof’ market, but when they end up paying tax for her welfare democracy”.

Letters to the press, 07/10/21: “Hearing Humza Yousaf say that things are going to get worse before they get better is frightening”

Letters to the press, 04/09/21: Scottish bigotry, Be Careful, Tess White was right.