Letters to the press, 29/11/22: “It was not the UK Government that raised the issue, it was your own party, knowing full well what the result would be. The constitution is a reserved matter, hence one can only think that this is yet another plank in the SNP policy of stoking up grievance”

Letters to the press, 28/09/22: “The Scottish Government has allowed the closure of local police offices by the formation of Police Scotland”

Letters to the press, 08/07/22: ‘It’s not “Project Fear” or “lying” but well-established facts and, as they say, “the truth hurts”‘

Letters to the press, 20/05/22: When former principal teacher of social subjects Jenny Gilruth became transport minister in January she said it was an opportunity to “help Scotland become a world leader in achieving our goal to become net-zero by 2045″. I’m not sure if she was meaning carbon emissions or ScotRail journeys.”

Letters to the press, 18/04/22: Nicola Sturgeon is asking people to vote for the SNP in the local authority elections to “send Boris a message”, but Boris Johnson is not responsible for your bins, your education, your planning, your parks, your verges, your pot-holes, your schools, your swimming pools, your libraries, your street lights, your social housing, your town halls, your council tax, your business rates or your social care.

Letters to the press, 08/04/22: Scotland could do so much better. Will railways be another disaster? Poll predictions awry. SNP make me feel guilty to be proud.

Letters to the press, 24/02/22: Still no compelling economic case for independence. Do your job, Nicola. Vacuous hot air.

Letters to the press, 27/12/21: End free medicine and school meals, National import, More SNP virus excuses