Letters to the press, 11/02/22: Storm clouds gather over independence, SNP government lacks transparency, would younger voters get a pension?

Letters to the press, 08/02/22: “The tenure of Ms Sturgeon has been woeful, dragging Scotland down and down. The Named Person Scheme, Hate Crime Bill, children lifestyle questionnaire, creation of a politically controlled police force are all examples of “authoritarian” control. It is time that supporters of independence listened…”

Letters to the press, 01/02/22: “While Helen of Troy had a face that could launch a thousand ships, yet again the SNP have proven themselves to be utterly incapable of launching what should have been a simple scheme…”

Letters to the press, 26/01/22:  ‘I was in a queue of about four people waiting for a sausage roll in Glasgow at the weekend. Turned out I was in the middle of the “emergency” Under One Banner March’.

Letters to the press, 21/01/22: “Constantly blaming Westminster is a convenient distraction for now, but these failures and others will not be forgotten come the May council elections. Defending a record like this on the doorstep will be rather difficult, especially since breaking up the UK does not provide convincing answers.”

Letters to the press, 27/12/21: End free medicine and school meals, National import, More SNP virus excuses

Letters to the press, 16/12/21: Who’s supplying the £100 million, Failure to think ahead, Has Sturgeon resigned yet?

Letters to the press, 25/10/21: It came as no surprise to read that more is spent in Scotland on school pupils than in anywhere else in the UK. That it is £800 per pupil did come as a bit of a shock. What did also not come as a surprise was to learn that this increase in spending did not translate into better standards and performance.

Letters to the press, 07/10/21: “Hearing Humza Yousaf say that things are going to get worse before they get better is frightening”