Letters to the Press, 23/05/23: “I can’t wait for the Scottish Politician of the Year awards. I’ve just put a tenner on Lorna Slater winning the new ‘Nicola Sturgeon award for the MSP who made the most outrageous attempt to blame Westminster'”

Letters to the Press, 18/05/23: “Is there no limit to the arrogance of Nicola Sturgeon? She presided over Scotland for nearly a decade, during which time the performance of almost every area of public services deteriorated”

Letters to the press, 14/04/23: The SNP/Green administration should not be allowed information on UK nuclear submarine force

Letters to the press, 16/03/23: Humza Yousaf has been nothing but a politician since school

Letters to the press, 09/02/23: “this SNP Government throws money at anything that they think will either buy votes or cause divisions.”

Letters to the press, 01/02/23: “Upon leaving her altar of blunders, our great administrator-in-chief, Nicola Sturgeon, says she will scribble together a tome reflecting her time in office”

Letters to the press, 29/12/22: “Nicola Sturgeon needs to step in, but perhaps having been a health secretary herself she is loathe to. The result is precisely what we are all experiencing right now: stasis. Something or someone has to change”

Letters to the press, 15/12/22: The SNP is not focused on education, health, transport, the economy and the things that matter to the public. “All we hear from it are empty promises — mealy-mouthed words which are meaningless”