OUR First Minister Humza Yousaf, who should represent all that is Scottish, has said that he is angry at the Home Secretary and the UK Government for condemning the planned march in London on Armistice Day (“Armistice Day pro-Palestinian marches should go ahead -Yousaf’, heraldscotland, November 7). He’s not as angry as those of us who are furious that he cannot see how offensive this is to the service personnel and the families of current and previous servicemen and women who fought against, amongst others, the Nazis. They fought so that we have the freedom to march and express our opinions but not to the detriment of others. Mr Yousaf would like to claim that the march will be about peace. I beg to differ as we saw at Edinburgh Waverley train station where a poppy seller was assaulted and shown such disregard. Would the First Minister claim that shouting “from the river to the sea” is a peaceful chant? It is clearly not. This march should not be allowed to take place on this particular day. It is sacrosanct and is a day of remembering those who have died. There will be other days when they can march. Since when did the majority who commemorate Armistice Day have to kowtow to the minority who care not what we think? Jane Lax, Aberlour.
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before” said Edgar Allan Poe. Anyway, he didn’t know about the SNP. However, Scotland Matters has looked into the heart of darkness and brought you back the horrors that dwell in the fever dreams of the SNP.
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The violent clashes in Edinburgh on Sunday evening were horrendous and irresponsible. Our First Minister labelled the disorder “thuggish” and “reckless” and those responsible should face the full force of the law. What full force of the law? There are not enough police officers to deal with matters in a reactive manner and if and when caught the soft approach of our SNP government will certainly not dissuade them from doing it again next time. Ourgovernment in such issues is a joke. Michael J Fraser, Tullibody.
SOFT justice plus fewer police is a recipe for disaster. This is not a future prediction, it’s happening in Scotland now Riots with petrol bombs and fireworks plus commuters at Scotland’s main railway stations being intimidated by placard-waving protesters. There could be more trouble brewing from those thinly disguising their support for Hamas terrorists on the most sacred weekend of the year, commemorating the Armistice. G Edwards, Glasgow.
The number of police officers has dropped in Scotland over the past few years. The Scottish Police Federation General Secretary says that we no longer have a proactive force, it is now a reactive force. There are plenty of stories of police taking longer and longer to investigate reports of crimes and in many cases not investigating at all. As is to be expected, the SNP “government” say Scotland has more police officers per capita than England and Wales. And there’s the rub. Every time they are proved to be in the wrong over something the old “Our figures are better than theirs” story is trotted out. Will these incompetents ever get it into their one-track minds that they are in power to govern Scotland, nowhere else?
Ian Balloch, Grangemouth, Falkirk.