‘New leadership: a fresh start for Scotland,’ promised the continuity candidate in his relaunch. He had hoped to make news by marking distance from Sturgeon, postponing several of her policies. Instead, the most memorable moment was Yousaf’s declaration that he is ‘of course surprised when one of my colleagues is arrested’. By now the public will be rather less surprised. It was certainly curious to find a £110,000 campervan parked on the driveway of Murrell’s 92-year-old mother. If it was intended for campaigning, as the SNP claims, why use her drive?

No one has yet been charged. But if the donations row goes to trial, the drama could run for years. Under current Scottish rules, serving politicians can be charged and even convicted but not have to give up their seats unless sentenced to jail for more than a year.

Even if there are no further developments in the police investigation, many in the SNP believe it is a matter of when, not if, Yousaf is pushed out. His comments that there was not sufficient reason yet to suspend either Murrell or Sturgeon from his party have landed badly with party figures who say colleagues have been kicked out for far less.

One old hand predicts that Yousaf won’t be removed imminently – better to let him be associated with whatever more bad news is to come. But less than a month into his premiership he has already lost any hope of being seen as a fresh face. ‘The party won’t move against him yet. It’s not how they work,’ says a party source. ‘He will hang on until the general election next year.’

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