Where is the money that is used to support our police force going? I moved to Montrose in May 1967 from the Merchant Navy to a shore job. This was to run a small company and with my sea experience build it up. Coming up for Christmas I was approached by one of the local police sergeants to buy tickets for the annual police ball. Montrose at that time had a population of about 15,000 and its own police station (now closed). The station was fully staffed 24 hours per day with an inspector, sergeants and around 20 constables. Locals knew most of the police by their first name and were on friendly terms. The inspector lived two doors from me and we mixed as neighbours, particularly at Hogmanay. Before I moved from Montrose in 2016, I was informed by a police officer that the whole of Angus was covered by two constables during the night. It is no wonder riots are taking place in Dundee when we see how our police force has been decimated under so-called modernisation. I am sure we shall see no improvement until we go back to localised policing, but I won’t hold my breath. Tom Robertson, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire.