Sir, – On a weekend when a seriously ill close relative of mine could not be admitted to hospital unless he was willing to wait four or five hours in an ambulance before getting through the doors of the hospital, can I please ask your readers if this is a situation they envisaged would be possible in 2022? My sick relative was advised by paramedics to remain at home rather than endure an appallingly long wait for admission. The family were further told that even after being admitted there would be a lengthy wait to be seen by a doctor. The family had to offer a form of nursing throughout the night and with no access to a medical professional. I am sure we are all consoled that our so-called first minister blithely disregards the inhumane and utterly reckless treatment of our citizens while setting aside some £20 million of taxpayers’ money in preparation for a pretendy referendum. How many nursing staff could be employed or medical equipment purchased for this considerable sum of money? How important is her travelling in an aircraft in her Jimmy Choo shoes to open a pretendy embassy or travelling in similar fashion to attend conferences abroad and then lecturing us all on climate issues -our media are not even allowed details of her travel arrangements. Foreign affairs are not a devolved matter and yet we, the taxpayers, have to endure the considerable expense of her self-promotion and pursuit of selfies with politicians who have no idea who she is. The media are not even allowed to question modes of transport or associated costs. Well done Nicola Sturgeon and all of the SNP cronies in turning a proud country into a third-world, banana-republic dictatorship. Shame on you all for putting the citizens of this country in peril while blithely pursuing your own selfish desires. Paul Reid, North Union Street, Copan.