The SNP might be enjoying the tussle in the Tory ranks over who should be the next Prime Minister, but there is another side to this. Nicola Sturgeon did not face a challenge from anyone in her own party when Alex Salmond resigned. Whilst Ms Sturgeon would almost certainly have won any contest it is still significant that no one thought to stand against her. Currently, all is not rosy in SNP ranks. Ms Sturgeon has turned out to be a divisive character not only to the country but to the opposition and even to those in her own party not adhering to the party line. She is now making bizarre choices such as trying to force another referendum and ignoring the parallels in her own party concerning the Pincher affair. Scottish Labour under Anas Sarwar is also now a force to be reckoned with and the Tories are not as “toxic” as the SNP might desire. Perhaps it is time someone now challenged her leadership, but is there anyone? Dr Gerald Edwards, Glasgow.