More than £4 million worth of cuts to community health services in Glasgow — which will see around 77 jobs lost — have been agreed.

Almost 15 admin roles will be removed to save over £560,000 while up to eight health visitors could go to save another £500,000.

A plan to axe the hospital at home service — which allows people to be cared for at home — has been delayed. This will allow alternatives to be considered ahead of a meeting in June.

Just over £3m of the savings can be made in 2024/25, but a funding gap of almost £1.55m remains this year.

When the city’s Integration Joint Board — a partnership between the council and NHS which directs health and social care services — set a budget in March, a gap of £4.7m in community health savings remained. It was faced with a total funding deficit of over £36m.

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