NOSTRADAMUS need not worry about the powers of foresight displayed by GR Weir (Letters, April 26) after he prophesied Humza Yousaf’s heroic confidence vote victory. Thankfully, his prediction proved somewhat wide of the mark. Unfortunately, we are saddled with Mr Yousaf until the next SNP Sturgeon acolyte takes on the mantle and leads us ever further down the road of hopeless government. He lived up to his “useless” moniker with remarkable aplomb: his strategic political manoeuvrings were not something Machiavelli would be proud of. This aside. he was given an almighty hospital pass by Nicola Sturgeon. Her toxic legacy grows by the day. She casts a large shadow that only an early Holyrood election will rid us of. Until this happens we are tied into a ridiculous state of affairs where the Greens. even after being kicked out of government, lurk on the sidelines effectively able to choose the SNP leader and dictate policy. We are witnessing the end of days of SNP rule. unfortunately 10 years too late. John McSweeney, Edinburgh.