And only two of Dumfries and Galloway’s 10 hospitals have received a visit since 2020.

The Tories claim that 36 of the country’s 125 hospitals hadn’t been inspected since HIS was formed, with a further 29 not receiving an inspection in the past five years.

The party’s health spokesman, Dr Sandesh Gulhane, believes rural areas have been “disproportionately affected”.

He said: “Those living in rural areas already face too many barriers to accessing healthcare.
“They should be able to take comfort in knowing that, when they do access it, they are receiving the best care at their local hospital. That goes for all patients across Scotland.

“At a time when our NHS is overwhelmed and hardworking frontline staff are under immense pressure, it is shocking that basic inspections aren’t being carried out to measure how they are coping.

“For too long NHS patients have suffered at the hands of the SNP’s dire workforce planning and mismanagement of our health service. It appears that under-resourcing extends to inspections too.” The Tory analysis claims that Castle Douglas Hospital hasn’t been inspected since HIS was formed.

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