The SNP has no ‘divine right’ to force their unwanted separatist agenda on an unwilling Scotland – Stephen Bailey

The SNP think they are living in the Middle Ages, in a time when the autocratic aristocratic elite ruled by the divine right of kings.

They think they are born to rule over Scotland, irrespective of how competent they are to perform this function and for anybody to even suggest otherwise constitutes some kind of heresy that they are permitted to crush with the zeal of righteous indignation.

They give lip service to modern ideas and pretend to be ‘progressive’ and ‘democratic’, but the fact is they only won around a third of the votes of the total Scottish electorate at the last Holyrood election.

The SNP have no mandate for independence, however they try to justify it.

Under UK Constitutional Law, no party can obtain a mandate for independence from a devolved election because it’s a reserved matter, irrespective of whether or not it’s in their manifesto or how many of the total electorate voted for it (they only received a minority of the total vote anyway).

Furthermore, they were mostly voted for by a small percentage of cult ish SNP activists who would vote for them whatever the circumstances. This is because they want independence (in fact, they just want separation from the hated England and the rest of the UK, not genuine independence) at any cost (‘independence transcends [absolutely] everything’ as Sturgeon once put it).

What’s more, the vast number of opinion polls in Scotland consistently show a majority of the public favour staying in the Union. Gaining a mandate from a Holyrood election to form a devolved administration from around a third of the total electorate does not equate to a mandate for independence. Added to this, on ‘Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg’ (BBC) current SNP leader Humza Yousaf stated: ‘It is pretty obvious that independence is not the consistent settled will of the Scottish people’. So, there it is, straight from the horse’s mouth. Even the SNP realize that the majority of Scots don’t want independence, but their sense of entitlement means they ignore this inconvenient truth and pathologically attempt to force their agenda on an unwilling Scotland.

To summarize:

As previously stated, under UK Constitutional Law, it’s impossible for any party to receive a mandate for independence from a devolved election, irrespective of what’s in their election manifesto or what the political aims of the party are (i.e. independence).

The broad panoply of current opinion in Scotland reveals the following picture. The SNP were the largest party at the last Holyrood election and so can form a devolved administration. However, that’s the extent of their mandate from the public.

Irrespective of their reason for existing being to separate Scotland from England or whether independence is in their manifesto-they are a devolved administration, not the national government of an independent sovereign state and, as such, shouldn’t get involved in reserved matters such as the Constitution (independence).

They only received around a third of the vote of the total electorate at the last Holyrood election. More people voted for pro-Union parties than for pro-independence ones at the last Holyrood election. Most opinion polls on independence have shown a majority for Scotland staying in the Union.

The bottom-line remains that the SNP have no mandate under UK Constitutional Law or from the electorate for independence.

They are a minority government imposing their will on the majority.

The SNP are like the clan leaders of old. They covertly run both SNP and Scottish affairs with a Medieval clannish autocratic and domineering hand, like a clan leader or monarch might have done centuries ago, guided by a mostly distorted, highly romanticized view of Scotland’s past that has been altered to suit their agenda.

They have a strangely Medieval and elitist mind-set. They are stuck in a bygone era, still trying to refight the battles of that past, pathologically attempting to correct history, which they erroneously believe has gone in the wrong direction and done them a disservice.

The trouble with their approach is that it’s based on a deeply flawed misunderstanding of history which has been skewed by ideology, by prejudice against England and many substantial weaknesses in their case for independence, all of which destroy their case for separation from the rest of the UK.

They make mistake after mistake, time, and time again, with Scots suffering as a result. Their top spokespeople are demonstrably shown to have no idea what they are talking about and that the SNP have no credible plans for independence. Ironically, they are as autocratic, repressive and entitled as King John of England.

They have spent the last 16 years ignoring their role at Holyrood of running Scotland’s day-to-day affairs. Instead, they have pursued separation from their bête noire, the hated England, as the living and working conditions of ordinary Scottish citizens get progressively worse (something that doesn’t concern them much, independence is their only real concern, anything else is secondary).

Meanwhile, all the SNP do is ignore the situation and monomaniacally push on with their separation obsession, insulated from reality in their minds only by what they believe to be their divine right to rule.

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