New data published by NHS Scotland and collated by the Labour Party has revealed that more than 5000 patients have been de-registered by Elgin dental practices over the last 24 months, with the majority of the practices being those which accept NHS patients.

Two dental practices in Elgin, South Street Dental Practice and Bishopmill Dental Centre have both had a significant amount of losses, with a reduction of 1895 and 3476 patients respectively.

Moray Labour has called for immediate action to address the growing concern over NHS dental provision in Elgin and Moray and have raised concerns about the accessibility of dental care for residents.

Moray Council Labour Group Leader, Councillor Sandy Keith said: “Upon being elected a year ago I contacted NHS Grampian after the deregistration of thousands of patients in Elgin. I have continued to keep an eye on the situation and on reviewing the most recent figures, I find that the situation is now worsening.

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