Is there no limit to the arrogance of Nicola Sturgeon? She presided over Scotland for nearly a decade, during which time the performance of almost every area of public services deteriorated. She attempted to inflict gender self-identification policy on an overwhelming majority of Scots who were opposed to it. She oversaw the near bankruptcy of her own political party and a massive reduction in the size of its membership. Now she is promoting juryless trials in rape cases in the face of near total opposition from the Scottish legal profession, not to mention complaining about the polarisation of Scottish society, for which she’s been largely responsible. One wonders how anyone could cope with such serial failure, yet she sails on regardless. John Stewart Terrick, Buckinghamshire
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Scottish Independence isn’t over. Polling puts it, consistently (and stubbornly), at the mid-40% mark. In other words, the future of your nation is still well within the margin of error.
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SCOTLAND is trialling the first driverless bus service. This is actually nothing new. The Scottish Government has been driverless for many years and it shows. The problem now is just where are we going? Gerald Edwards, Glasgow.
Alex Salmond fell on his sword on June 9 2017 after losing the independence referendum but warned everyone in his speech that they had not seen the last of him or his bonnet Since then his relationship with Nicola Sturgeon has gone from best friends to hated enemies as he has tried to undermine the SNP party with his Alba Party, but with little success to date. The ghost of Alex Salmond continues to haunt the SNP and its loyal supporters, with many who would like to see him back as their leader. If First Minister Humza. Yousaf continues to loosen his grip on the SNP, this threat of a return by Alex Salmond may well become a reality. Dennis Forbes Grattan, Bucksburn.
MOST observers had assumed some time ago that the ferry fiasco had reached its nadir and that things could not possibly get worse in the progress of the project. The latest reports dispel that idea. Hundreds of millions of pounds have been spent on it so far, money that could have been used infinitely better on our drug deaths shame and to assist the NHS. It would be cheaper, we are told, for Hull 802 to be abandoned and for an order to be placed overseas for a brand new ferry in its place. Methinks the minister’s claim that they are not taking that course because of care for the island communities is another in a long, long line of SPAD-generated excuses and the real reason is the shame that would involve for the SNP. For all the political interference with highly skilled shipbuilders in the project, for all the nationalist spin, for all the mind-blowing incompetence, the one thing missing has been a deep and sincere apology from the SNP to all Scots for throw-ing away our taxes as they have done, but to the islanders in particular. Alexander McKay, Edinburgh.