School spending per pupil is significantly higher in Scotland than the rest of the UK despite continued drops in educational outcomes, research found.

A report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies noted that spending per pupil in Scotland was more than 18% – or £1,300 – higher in 2022/23 than in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

However, it adds: “Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that despite having the highest level of school spending per pupil across the UK for a long period, test scores in reading, maths and science in Scotland have either stayed the same or been going down over time in Pisa (Programme for International School Assessment) international comparisons.”

About £8,500 is spent per pupil in Scotland, compared to the estimated £7,200 across the rest of the UK.

The report, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, found spending grew by 13% in real-terms between 2009/10 and 2022/23, partially reflecting funding to cover higher teacher pay deals.

However, report author Luke Sibieta said much of Scotland’s increased spending has been driven by funding to expand early years learning and childcare to all three and four-year-olds and eligible two-year-olds, allocating the equivalent of 30 hours of free childcare during term time.

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