I almost feel sorry for Humza Yousaf – almost, but not quite. It seems, at last, to have dawned on him that he is the fall guy for the Sturgeon-Murrell failures, and that is not a pleasant place to be. It looks to me as though he now realises that, while backing (even pushing) him as their choice of SNP leader, they didn’t -by his own account – vouchsafe to him the various problems that they were bequeathing to him. It would also appear that he had no knowledge of the difficulties with the party’s finances, nor of the mysterious camper van. Nor did he apparently know about the fall in the party’s membership, nor yet that the party’s auditors had quit as long ago as September 2022. When all seemed to be going his way, with Scottish ministers, MSPs and MPs backing his candidacy, did he never once ask himself “What’s the catch?” Did it not puzzle him that there was so little competition for the post of leader? That Sturgeon’s deputy, Keith Brown, refused to stand? That Angus Robertson held back when his frequent travels gave the lie to his pleading of family responsibilities? Did he not ask himself why Kate Forbes radiated delighted relief when he defeated her? Politics can be a mug’s game. Yousaf’s demeanour suggests that he is not best pleased to have found that out the hard way. Jill Stephenson, Edinburgh.