A giant hydro scheme which would double the UK’s ability to store energy for long periods is taking a leap forward with a £100m investment by SSE.

The proposed 92m-high dam and two reservoirs at Coire Glas in the Highlands would be Britain’s biggest hydroelectric project for 40 years.

Scottish ministers approved the 1.5GW pumped storage facility in 2020.

But power giant SSE wants assurances from the UK government before finally signing it off.

A spokesperson for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero said it was “committed to supporting the low carbon hydro sector, including hydro storage”.

Perth-based SSE says the £1.5bn scheme would help tackle climate change and improve UK energy security.

The concept of Coire Glas is simple. It involves two reservoirs at different heights in the Great Glen, the geological fault which slices through Scotland between Inverness and Fort William.

When power is plentiful and cheap, water would be pumped 500 metres uphill for storage in an upper reservoir with the capacity of 11,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

When supply is tight and prices high, it would be released, using gravity to generate electricity by spinning four turbines way below on the banks of Loch Lochy, before flowing into the lower reservoir.

By storing electricity generated in windy or sunny weather for use on cold, still or dark days, Coire Glas could help smooth the transition from oil, gas and coal to more sustainable but intermittent sources of energy such as wind and solar.

“We believe strongly it could play a huge role in enabling a decarbonised energy system,” said Finlay McCutcheon, SSE’s director of onshore renewables.

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