Questions over the affordability of Glasgow’s proposed metro system and how it would connect to wider parts of the city have been raised by a Labour councillor.

During Tuesday’s economy, housing, transport and regeneration committee, councillor Saqib Ahmed asked council officers how the Clyde Metro would connect with major hospitals and public transport hubs. He also asked if it would be affordable for those wanting to use it.

It comes after a report was presented to members of the committee informing them that the Clyde Metro – a vision for a modern and integrated public transport system – had been confirmed by the Scottish Government as a key priority for future investment.

It is one of 45 schemes across Scotland which have been recommended for investment over the next 20 years.

The metro system, which represents a multi-billion investment over a 30-year period, could better connect more than 1.5 million people to employment, education, and health services in and around Glasgow.

Councillor Ahmed said: “I have a question regarding the Clyde Metro. How is it going to connect greater Glasgow with for example the airport or Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

“Who is going to govern it? Is there going to be a proper board set up to govern it? Will the transport be affordable or will it be hard for people to pay for?

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