Nicola Sturgeon may have contemplated long about hers, but the one she delivered last week I suspect was written in haste. It appeared to me, at least, as more of a job application for a position in history with a bogus CV.

I will admit I could be accused of being a little jaundiced. I know that Nicola Sturgeon despises me, my colleagues, and everyone else who is in, votes for, or even supports or nods towards the Conservative party. We know this because she told the world as much just a few months ago. So, when our outgoing First Minister calls for political dialogue to be less brutal, forgive me for quoting back at her one of her favourite lines: I will take no lessons from her.

Remember the election campaign when, in a BBC debate, a nurse told Ms Sturgeon of her need to use foodbanks? She was then derided by Ms Sturgeon’s team, by Jeane Freeman and Joanna Cherry as being a ‘Tory plant’ apparently married to a Tory councillor. None of that was true. She was just a nurse struggling to feed her family. But somehow the newspapers were made aware of photographs of her enjoying a meal on holiday – such a crime.

No, when Ms Sturgeon complains of the treatment of women in politics, I think of that broad grin, and her pumping her fists as she discovered Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson had lost her seat in East Dunbartonshire. Or think back just a few weeks ago about how she derided her colleague Ash Regan, for resigning in protest at the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, to defend women’s rights. Or her characterising of some opponents of gender reform – many of them women – as transphobes, homophobes and racists.

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