Nicola Sturgeon is expected to resign in a press conference later this morning, after eight years as First Minister. She has been in charge for a long time: a full generation by some definitions. This is certainly time enough to make your mark on a country with devolved powers unparalleled in the democratic world.

But as she prepares to leave the political stage, how much difference did she actually make?

1. Life expectancy for Scots men and women has seen the sharpest fall in 40 years – accelerating in the time Sturgeon’s been in power.

2. Drug deaths have soared in this time too

3. The First Minister said in 2016 that closing the attainment gap between rich and poor would be her ‘defining mission’. The gap is as wide as ever.

4. The NHS is failing too.

5. Scotland enjoys one of the largest budget deficits in the developed world.

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