More than 24,000 disabled Scots are waiting for social housing, with new figures showing one person has been on the list for a home for almost 60 years.

Data obtained under Freedom of Information showed there are 24,209 disabled people on housing waiting lists, up from 9,714 in 2017 – an increase of almost 150%

The Scottish Conservatives warned the true extent of the problem is likely to be far higher, with only 23 of Scotland’s 32 councils providing information.

The Tories, which submitted the FOI request, also found that at Edinburgh City Council one person – who self-assessed as disabled – had been on the common housing register for social housing since March 1, 1963.

The council said in its response that “this application is registered by a household who have a home and are therefore classed as a ‘Mover’ for bidding through the choice-based letting system”.

Commenting on the figures the Tory spokesman for social justice, housing and local government, Miles Briggs said: “The SNP have a shameful record on social housing and these shocking statistics show that it is the most vulnerable w

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