Nicola Sturgeon holds first meeting with PM Rishi Sunak – BBC News
/in BBC, Indyref 2, Nicola Sturgeon, Rishi Sunak, Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Independence, SNP, United Kingdom, Unity Matters /by sm_adminAre Scottish schools on the brink of unthinkable cuts? – TES Scotland
/in Education Matters, Scottish devolution, Scottish Government, SNP /by sm_adminLetters to the press, 11/11/22: “Our current crisis might have been avoided if SNP finances were being carefully nurtured but”free” hand-outs have created a monster that is beginning to bite back”
/in David Bone, Dennis Grattan, Gerald Edwards, Jill Stephenson, Letters, Mark Openshaw, NHS Scotland, Scottish Government, SNP /by sm_adminBattle to free up NHS beds as winter pressures loom in Ayrshire – Daily Record
/in Covid-19, Daily Record, Health Matters, NHS Scotland, Scottish Government, SNP /by sm_adminScots town is street valium hotspot where drugs can be picked up ‘in minutes’ just yards from police station – Daily Express
/in Daily Express, Scotland Under the SNP, The West Coast Matters /by sm_adminNew guidance hailed as ‘significant intervention’ on deposit return scheme – The Insider
/in Economic Matters,, Lorna Slater, Scottish Government, Scottish Greens /by sm_adminThe attempt to topple the Scottish Enlightenment – The Spectator
/in Edinburgh Matters, Scotland Under the SNP, The Spectator /by sm_adminScottish Greens ‘buried’ damning report into currency options for independent Scotland – Daily Record
/in Daily Record, Economic Matters, Indyref 2, Lorna Slater, Patrick Harvey, Scottish Government, Scottish Greens, Scottish Independence /by sm_adminFM asked to hand over ferry documents as part of delayed vessels probe – STV News
/in Ferguson Marine, Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish Government, SNP, STV News, Transport Matters /by sm_adminScotland Matters is registered with the UK Electoral Commission as a non-party campaigner. Our objective and activities are to:
Promote the benefits of being in the UK.
Highlight the issues of separation.
And communicate this to Scotland’s voters.