Teachers at a high school in Glasgow are taking strike action after concerns were raised over violent and abusive behaviour by pupils.

Members of the NASUWT teachers’ union at Bannerman High School will walk out on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

A further eight days of strike action are planned to take place during December.

The union has said that teachers at the school have been verbally abused and threatened by pupils.

Glasgow City Council has been urged to ensure there are sufficient safeguards in place to protect teachers.

Talks were held between the council and the union in an attempt to avoid the strike action.

According to the NASUWT, teachers at the school were told they would be sent home without pay if they refuse to remain in a classroom with a pupil who is threatening their safety.

The council has denied that any members of staff have been threatened over pay, suggesting that the NASUWT was giving an “inaccurate reflection” of the support made available by the council to teachers.

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