Could a modicum of reality finally hit the SNP? Already, Humza Yousaf has said that a two-tier health system would be “abhorrent” (“Health chiefs warn free-for-all NHS model ‘no longer works’, heraldscotland, November 21). It’s not ideal, but why? The SNP wants to make everything “free” or deploy the more inane term of declaring something a “human right” as if this magically makes it immune to price shocks, scarcity, bottlenecks or abuse. Do the individuals who work in extractive and chemical industries work for nothing? Do the people who labour on pharmaceutical production lines do it out of duty? Most of us know services aren’t free, but for some reason, some persist in this naive delusion, helped along by the SNP which has almost entirely ruptured the link between services and taxation. If I had to pay a fixed sum to see a GP, similar to dentistry, then so be it. I’d rather the entire service works. And I say this from no place of great wealth, working minimum wage for a “free” advocacy service. However, the NHS Scotland health board chief executives’ minutes are more succinct than me: “divorced from the reality of life and purpose of service”. This could sum up the last 15 years in Scotland. David Bone, Girvan.