Offering free school meals to all Shetland school pupils in both primary and secondary would result in an additional cost to the council of around £630,000, new estimates suggest.
This would include an estimated one-off cost of around £200,000 for new equipment and alterations, and an extra £133,000 for staffing costs – while a loss of income would total nearly £300,000.
The figures are contained in a report on the future options around school meal provision, which will be presented to councillors next week.
There is desire from some in the council chamber go to beyond the current Scottish Government funded free school meal provision in the cost of living crisis.
At the moment all nursery and primary pupils up to and including P5 do not need to pay for their meals, with the Scottish Government funding this cost.
Primary six and seven, and secondary pupils, need to pay unless they are eligible for free meals due to their parents’ income.