An increase in violent attacks on rail passengers prompted concern from one of British Transport Police’s (BTP) most senior officers.

A 17 per cent rise in violent offences between April and June compared to a year ago has been recorded by the force.

The total number of such offences increased to 103, while fewer were solved.

The clear-up rate was 41 per cent – 22 percentage points down on 2021.

Officers told a meeting of the Scottish Railways Policing Committee there had also been a ‘significant’ increase in public order incidents.

BTP linked the increase to busier post-covid trains and more people going out at night, with alcohol ‘often a key instigating factor with main hub locations most affected’.

Deputy Chief Constable Alistair Sutherland said: “We have seen a rise in the number of violence offences against passengers in this first quarter [of 2022/23].

“That’s obviously a concern to us.

“In terms of public order offences against passengers, there has been a significant increase there as well.”

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