The SNP is delivering leaflets to households in Scotland entitled “The new case for independence”…. “the facts”. It states “the evidence shows independence works”. Apart from comparing Scotland to other “small” countries, they provide absolutely no evidence that Scottish independence will work. This SNP Government will not provide “the people of Scotland” with the economic and financial facts and figures to prove independence will be successful for Scotland. Indeed Professor Jim Mitchell of Edinburgh University said recently when interviewed by Neil Mackay, “if we become an independent country we would do so with a dysfunctional model”. And: “it is not good enough to say it’s all Westminster’s fault and all will be well if independent”; Scotland’s politics is immature.” The brochure also states: “Scotland could and should be doing so much better. So “could” do much better and indeed Nicola Sturgeon stated recently of independence, “there is no guarantee of success”. Andrew Wilson states independence will be “hard”. Ms Sturgeon also states Scot could be “wealthier, happier, fairer”. What on earth has she and her party been doing for 15 years? It beggars belief. Douglas Cave, Newmachar.