A few years ago, Nicola Sturgeon proposed a Scottish not-for-profit energy company. This idea soon disappeared as too expensive. The solution, as always, was to ask Westminster for more cash. If Scotland is shortly to be independent” surely Nicola Sturgeon should have a plan in place for exactly this current energy crisis scenario. Where is it and what would it cost us? Gerald Edwards, Glasgow.
What happened in Perth is what happens when intolerant nationalism takes over. Help us defeat it and reach the reasonable Scots. Donate to our crowdfunder. All funds go to stopping the Scot-nats.
Nicola Sturgeon has stated her desire to return energy companies to public ownership in order to enable consumers to benefit from the perceived financial gain. Presumably, this position is based on her achievements with the nationalisations of Prestwick airport and Ferguson Marine, neither of which is a beacon of financial success? G.M. Lindsay, Kinross.
Two comments on this; firstly, where would she find the money to buy them, and secondly, whether nationalised or not, they are faced with hugely increased costs. Nationalisation is irrelevant. This is SNP economics in action, i.e. useless! William Ballantine, Bo’ness, West Lothian.
Nicola Sturgeon states ‘nationalised energy’, a popular social media slogan, should be an option. In this regard, she has no responsibility; this is not a devolved matter. So is Sturgeon simply using the cost of living crisis as a stick with which to beat the UK Government, as per her daily habit? She can pretty much say anything, in the full knowledge she won’t have to properly cost any proposal, assess whether it is genuinely feasible nor attach a realistic schedule to it, that would have a tangible and instant impact on our bills. Sturgeon famously told us the SNP would set up a Scottish devolved administration-owned energy supplier yet, as multiple energy companies went bust, she failed to do so. She also doesn’t tell us how the UK Government should fund the mandatory purchase of energy companies, some being European-owned. Or is she intending simply to seize the assets, including from hundreds of thousands of individual shareholders across the UK? Martin Redfern.