This Scottish Government has done absolutely nothing to mitigate the impact of the vast loss of knowledge in Scotland’s education system caused by Covid-19 disruption.
The fact that exam papers were set this year on a reduced curriculum is concrete proof that our young people will leave school knowing less than they would have done in other times. That is not controversial in any way. Neither should it be meekly accepted. There are consequences to be faced. Our colleges and universities are picking up the task of plugging those gaps.
They do so alongside massive budget cuts from the nationalist government – not extra resource to help them meet the needs of their students. Our economy and the businesses that drive it suffer the consequences, but it will be the future careers of our young people that will most obviously be harmed.
Last year, an Audit Scotland report warned that “variation in the learning experience of children and young people” during the pandemic could well “exacerbate the poverty-related attainment gap.” A warning wilfully ignored by SNP Ministers. The results were clear this week.