What on earth was First Minister Nicola Sturgeon doing at the Open in St Andrews at the weekend wearing golfing attire, carrying a golf club and stopping by a practice area to address a golf ball? Well, of course, she had people with cameras following her around. Does anyone remember a Prime Minister turning up at Wimbledon wearing tennis gear and wielding a tennis racquet and being photographed? I know Sturgeon likes to be photographed but wasn’t this something from the realms of parody? Jill Stephenson, Edinburgh.
SCOTLAND MATTERS reached well over 1 million people at the Holyrood election, 1.4m at the Council Elections and in both elections the SNP’s vote and seats won were far below their own predictions.
Now they want another referendum in October 2023. We need to:
- Hammer home their failures – trains, ferries, schools, NHS, jobs, deficit, housing, drugs – and Scotland’s decline since 2007.
- Highlight the issues: the border, currency, NATO, pensions, the £180m debt, the COST and UPHEAVAL to all Scots.
- Get the message to every one of Scotland’s 4.3m voters.
- AND BOYCOTT any illegal IndyRef2!!
So Nicola Sturgeon is rattling on about independence. No change there then. Except, is anyone still listening? She’s planned a 2023 independence referendum that most expect won’t happen. She continues to launch her series of “refreshed” independence papers that pretty much no one is reading, at televised media launches next to nobody watches. She busily promotes independence on Facebook though rarely more than 1% of her followers react. She makes increasingly outlandish comments about UK democracy, with implausible generalisations about those seeking to become PM. Our reaction? Apparently a weary yawn. Maybe these days we’re more interested in weather forecasts than Sturgeon’s latest UK break-up dreams? Martin Redfern.
And so it rolls on, another Nicola Sturgeon back-of-a-fag-packet policy, “Super Sponsor”, loudly trumpeted from the lady herself, bites the dust. A quick glance at housing waiting lists across Scotland and hostels full of our own homeless people would have shown that accommodation for Ukrainian refugees in large numbers is just not available. In her constant battle to upstage the Westminster government, all Nicola Sturgeon is doing is creating problems and costing Scotland unnecessary expenditure. Once again it’s King Midas in reverse. Everything the Scottish Government touches turns to disaster. This SNP government are a bunch of amateurs trying to play a professional game. Ian Balloch, Grangemouth, Falkirk.