Aberdeen social housing to benefit from £5.2 million green retrofit scheme – The Scotsman

Around 100 social housing properties in the north-east of Scotland are set to be upgraded with energy-saving measures and green innovations as part of a pioneering £5.2 million project.

The move is aimed at improving residents’ quality of life, cutting fuel bills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, helping the country achieve net-zero climate targets.

Around a quarter of all Scottish households are estimated to be living in fuel poverty, struggling to pay for heating, with one in ten suffering ‘extreme’ fuel poverty.

Glasgow-based firm SMS plc is running the scheme in conjunction with thermal imaging specialists IRT Surveys and construction company Robertson Group after launching a partnership with Aberdeen City Council to deliver the changes to the homes.

The landmark initiative will see a programme of fabric improvements and renewable energy technologies put in.

This will include installation of solar panels, batteries and heat pumps to remove the consumption of carbon-intensive fuels, alongside a behind-the-meter battery storage system to create a decarbonised neighbourhood.

There will be no cost to tenants or landlords for the work, which has backing of £2.2 million from Westminster’s newly launched Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator.

As part of the project’s ‘fabric-first, whole-home’ approach, IRT Surveys will use cutting-edge thermal imaging technology to pinpoint the areas where improvements are required to reduce space heating demand.

Implementing these fabric upgrades, in tandem with the installation of renewable energy assets, the project will showcase a route to achieving net-zero emissions through a financed and scalable business model.

If successful, similar initiatives could be rolled out across Scotland and the UK.

Stewart Little, chief executive of IRT Surveys, said: “We are delighted to have been appointed for this landmark project with Aberdeen City Council, a scheme which we are pleased to say has received government support through the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator.

“The urgency of the climate crisis means it is vital that we address all carbon impacts from buildings, including the UK’s social housing stock.

“By working alongside Aberdeen City Council, and our delivery partners SMS and Robertson Group, we will develop an intelligent, scalable model that will help decarbonise the council’s extensive housing portfolio in ways that are both commercially viable and affordable for residents.”

Sean Keating, head of new energy systems at SMS, said: “By creating an expected 39 jobs locally through the initial trial phase of the scheme, our project additionally looks to demonstrate how – when delivered at scale – investment in green infrastructure can support the government’s agenda to level up regional economic growth.

“Indeed, above all this project is about creating a more sustainable future: one that ensures affordable comfort in our homes, reduces fuel poverty, creates jobs and ultimately protects our environment amidst climate change.”

The Scottish and UK governments have set out goals to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions – where quantities generated by human activities are no greater than the amount absorbed – 2045 north of the border and 2050 for the nation as a whole.

Currently there are around 2.58 million dwellings in Scotland, most of which are occupied – three per cent are empty and one per cent are second homes.

The housing sector is one one of the biggest contributors to Scotland’s and the UK’s climate impact, responsible for around 15 per cent of total emissions.

Heating homes accounts for a major portion of this, particularly older housing stock with inefficient insulation and energy systems in place.

A significant proportion of Scotland’s domestic buildings were put up prior to 1919 and built using traditional techniques and materials.

Achieving the climate targets is going to involve major retrofitting works and substantial costs to homeowners and housing providers.

The installation phase of the Aberdeen scheme is scheduled for completion in December this year, after which the energy performance of the 100 homes will be reassessed and monitored for a period of six months to demonstrate the concept’s efficacy.

The multi-million-pound project comes following a successful bid to the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

Top Tories back Brown’s plan to strengthen the Union – The Times

Senior Conservatives have backed Gordon Brown’s plan to reform devolution in an effort to strengthen the Union.

Andy Street, mayor for the West Midlands, said that more respect should be given to the English regions as part of a sharing of power and ideas to benefit the entire UK.

The idea proposed by Brown, the former Labour prime minister, would involve establishing a forum to bring together the first ministers of the UK, the regional English mayors, and the prime minister to collaborate on key priorities such as climate change, economic recovery and poverty.

“He’s right. If you look at the West Midlands economy it’s far bigger than Wales, substantially bigger than Northern Ireland, almost as big as Scotland,” Street told Times Radio.

Seven reasons Scotland should stay in the Union – The New European

Here’s every Scottish independence supporter’s favourite thing… a list of reasons, from an Englishman, as to why Scotland might want to stay in the Union

It was a good election for incumbents. Across the countries of the UK, parties engaged in frenetic, Covid-disrupted campaigns, only for most things to stay the same.

Scotland’s parliament, on the surface at least, changed hardly at all: the SNP picked up a single seat versus their previous performance. But that small movement could be the start of something seismic: the 2021 parliamentary result is being cited as the basis for another Scottish independence referendum – with nationalists confident this time they can win.

So here is every Scottish independence supporter’s favourite thing – a list of reasons, from an Englishman, as to why Scotland might want to stay in the Union after all.

Independence means public service cuts

Scottish voters get a better deal from their government than everyone else in the UK – with perks including free university and prescriptions among the benefits enjoyed north of the border, but not elsewhere.

That’s reflected in the UK’s public spending figures. For 2018-19, Scottish public service spending averaged £14,500 per person – £1,900 per head more than residents of England. This was combined with Scotland raising slightly less tax per person than England too, at £12,100, which is £400 less than England.

The result is even before the huge spending of the pandemic, Scotland runs a much larger public deficit than England. While Scotland is part of a large country like the UK, this doesn’t matter – borrowing is checked against the country and economy as a whole, and debt is very cheap for large, stable economies.

An independent Scotland would not, at least in its early days, be able to run a budget deficit that large for long – even if the process of independence didn’t damage its economy at all. Services cost more to deliver in Scotland than in England (the population is more spread out, there are island economies, etc) and so the reality of government after independence would be one of austerity.

Some voters and politicians deal with this tough choice by denying it – just as some fringe Brexit supporters did. This involves claims such as the accounts being faked, or similar fantasies. Some might be taken in by them, but most won’t – the honest choice facing Scottish voters is that independence would come with a price. They could still, of course, be willing to pay it.

Independence, like Brexit, will stunt growth

Throughout the Brexit debate – including for years after the vote – supporters of Leave would emphasise all the benefits to growth that would come from leaving the EU. Britain would, they promised, become Europe’s economic powerhouse.

The problems came when they were asked to expand on exactly what the UK would do post-Brexit to boost growth that it wouldn’t have done before. The grand visions quickly fell backwards into small and peripheral developments: freeports, maybe? New trade deals?

More extreme visions of a low-tax economy – dubbed Singapore-on-Thames – were a non-starter, given the UK’s relatively large public sector, NHS, and services. Singapore-on-Tay is an even bigger non-starter given Scotland’s larger public sector and aspiration to EU membership.

The result is Scotland would damage its trading relationship with its largest trading partner by far – the rest of the UK – in the hope of boosting trade with other partners, while changing the fundamentals of its economy only minimally. That didn’t work for Brexit, and it wouldn’t work for Scottish independence.

No new 21st century nation should rely on oil

One hope for an independent Scottish economy – leaned on especially hard in the 2014 referendum – is North Sea oil. When prices were far higher, it served to flatter both the Scottish economy and government balance sheet, though those days now feel long past.

Oil will continue to provide skilled jobs and revenue for Scotland, and Scotland would likely get a good settlement to retain its geographic share of North Sea oil if it voted for independence.

But most of its oil fields are nearing the end of their useful life and there is a sizeable decommissioning bill to come: current estimates place it around £48 billion, and one way or another taxpayers will end up footing a lot of that bill (through tax breaks or as payer of last resort).

There are some unexploited oil fields in the North Sea too, but there are moral questions here: it is one thing to set yourself up as a new country based on oil in the 1970s. It is quite another to do it in 2020, when being a good global citizen on climate change relies on reducing our emissions and trying to keep some of the oil and gas we know about in the ground. Is worsening climate change a price worth paying for an independent Scotland?

Independence is a leap into the known

Brexit was sold as a bold, pioneering project – a leap into the unknown, a romantic project for the soul of a nation. The reality was anything but romantic: Brexit turned out to be an endlessly long slog of negotiations, smallprint, and much, much more paperwork in everyone’s lives.

Scottish independence would be much the same, only turned up to 11. Where Brexit at least had an agreed process through Article 50, Scottish independence has none. There is little reason to believe negotiations would be held in any better faith. If Scotland would, as it has said, immediately seek EU membership, that would add complexity to both the exit negotiations and to what came next.

Brexit should serve to remind us what breaking up long unions looks like. The romance doesn’t last.

EU membership is not a given, nor guaranteed to be a plus

The EU does not speak with one voice. It currently contains a huge range of opinions, from Macron – distracting from troubles at home by preaching the virtues of ever-closer union – to the politicians of Hungary and Poland, flirting as hard as they can with far right nationalism while still soaking up EU funds.

When the countries that make up the EU don’t agree, which is almost all the time, the institution relies on bureaucracy and procedure. When there are national concerns on how breakaway countries or regions are treated that could only be more so.

None of this is to say Scotland wouldn’t be admitted to the EU – as a symbolic trophy prize of Brexit its value would be huge, and as a new member it would be a welcome sign of growth for an institution that’s more often recently been in decline.

But as a small economy with new institutions that would likely not be a net contributor to the bloc it might not skip as many accession hurdles as some hope: rejoining the EU would be a long slog, and would come at a cost of relations and travel with the rest of the UK.

The mandate for a referendum isn’t as clear as some make out

There is, once again, a pro-referendum majority in the Scottish parliament, and attempts by some in Westminster to pretend the SNP on their own falling short of a majority have predictably fallen somewhat flat.

But the mandate is not quite as resounding as the SNP might make it sound, either: Professor John Curtice found that 49% of Scottish voters backed pro-independence parties in the constituency vote, while 50.1% voted for them on the list.

Given there are voters who like the SNP and Greens but don’t necessarily back independence, and that there are pro-referendum voters who don’t particularly want a vote now, it is hardly as if Scotland is speaking with one voice that it must have a referendum this very moment.

At a minimum, the Westminster government might feel justified in asking the SNP to come up with a vote in a few years’ time, perhaps even with agreed mechanisms explaining what would happen next in the case of either outcome – perhaps a time enshrined in law before the issue would be put to ballot again if ‘No’, and an agreed process and maybe even a confirmatory referendum on a final deal, if ‘Yes’.

Independence could harm, not help, Scotland’s national character

Scotland has built a distinctive national character for the 21st century, increasingly unalike to that of the rest of the UK – it is optimistic, progressive, and as inclusive as a nationalistic vision can be.

Given that, it’s not a surprise that independence starts to feel like an option, and not a surprise that those on the liberal left in England find ourselves hoping Scotland stays, if nothing else than to help our battles here. But it’s not fair to ask others to stay to fight someone else’s losing battle, if they don’t want to.

But it is fair to raise a question: what might happen to Scotland’s national character once independence disappeared as a national issue, especially if it came with severe damage to the economy, large-scale disruption and cuts to public services? Scotland has kept even parties like Alba to the fringes – could it be sure of fending off populism if independence brings Scotland a lost decade?

Scottish independence could prove a pyrrhic victory, securing independence but killing the progressive vision of it all in one strike. This can, of course, be dismissed as project fear 2.0 – all I can say is the fear is at least a sincerely held one.

Tories demand SNP commit to Scottish Covid-19 inquiry – The Scotsman

The Scottish Conservatives have called on the Scottish Government to commit to holding a Scotland-specific inquiry into the handling of Covid-19.

The demand comes as it appeared the SNP had ‘rowed back’ on its manifesto pledge to hold a “statutory, person-centred and human rights based public inquiry” into the handling of the pandemic.

In a comment to The Sun, a spokesperson said it would be “engaging with the UK Government” around a potential “four-nations” inquiry into the handling of Covid-19.

It added that should this not begin within a year, only then would a Scottish inquiry be considered.

In the SNP’s manifesto, the party pledged: “‘We will commission a statutory, person centred and human rights based public inquiry into the handling of the Coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.

“We will make sure the voices of families who have lost loved ones are heard as part of establishing the inquiry and that they have an active role in the process.

“We will begin to take the necessary steps to establish the public inquiry as soon as possible after the election.”

“We will make sure the voices of families who have lost loved ones are heard as part of establishing the inquiry and that they have an active role in the process.

“We will begin to take the necessary steps to establish the public inquiry as soon as possible after the election.”

“Anything less than a specific inquiry in Scotland to learn the lessons from this crisis would be a dereliction of duty to grieving families. The Scottish Conservatives won cross-party support in Parliament in November calling for an inquiry into the scandal in our care homes, yet this has failed to be taken forward.

“SNP Ministers have shown a complacent attitude towards finding out what went wrong in our care home facilities. They must be pro-active and urgently commit to a public inquiry to ensure we never leave vulnerable people unprotected in this way ever again.”

The Scottish Government was contacted for comment.

Holyrood accused of being a ‘middle class Parliament’ and failing on poverty – Daily Record

Holyrood is a “middle class Parliament” that does not “walk the walk” on progressive politics, according to a professor at Edinburgh University.

James Mitchell called for resources to be used for the benefit of poorer areas and claimed the Parliament had not “really” addressed poverty.

Devolution has seen successive governments use their powers to make different policy decisions than those taken at Westminster.

However, critics have argued that big ticket items like free personal care and free prescriptions have benefited middle income earners the most.

Around one in four children north of the border live in poverty and the educational attainment gap is still sizable.

Mitchell, a seasoned observer on Scottish politics, spoke about the decisions made by the Parliament in an interview with ITV’s Representing Border.

He said: “The Scottish Parliament has got the powers to do an awful lot.

“Now, you could argue that they could do other things with new powers, but frankly they’ve got ample powers to be getting on with the job, and they are not really using them.

“They are not really addressing poverty with the kind of focus that the language, the rhetoric, would suggest.

“I don’t think you can get away with the argument, all the time, that it’s somebody else’s fault – you have it in your gift to do a lot, let’s see if you can get on with it.”

He continued: “The middle classes are doing quite well in Scotland. And this has been a middle class Parliament for a middle class population and electorate from the start.

“If we are going to tackle poverty, going to tackle that education gap, we are going to have to start moving resources about and putting it into poorer areas and into those who are served less well.

“On education, for example, shifting the resource into the schools, into the areas and into the communities and families that need it most. Frankly, we talk the talk on progressive politics, we don’t walk the walk.”

Scotland’s education system weakest in UK, according to new report – The Telegraph

Scotland’s education system is the weakest performing in the UK, according to a detailed prosperity index published to be published today.