Nicola Sturgeon is turning Scotland into a failed state

Nicola Sturgeon is turning Scotland into a failed state – Reaction

When the government of a component nation of the United Kingdom provokes the headline in one of America’s leading journals “Scotland’s Government Slashes Away at Liberty”, it is cause for serious concern.

Senior SNP figures ‘had secret WhatsApp group chat codenamed Vietnam to plot against Alex Salmond’

Senior Nats ‘had secret WhatsApp chat codenamed Vietnam to plot against Salmond’

SENIOR SNP figures had a secret WhatsApp group chat codenamed “Vietnam” in which they plotted against Alex Salmond, it’s been explosively claimed. Nats MP Kenny MacAskill alleged messages between high-ranking party members discussed “putting pressure” on one of Mr Salmond’s accusers to give evidence at his criminal trial last year after she “expressed reluctance” to do so.

Nicola Sturgeon’s wildcat independence referendum plan shows how dangerous voting SNP really is

Nicola Sturgeon’s Calatonia gambit on independence shows how dangerous voting SNP really is – Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP

The frog says “ok, but if you sting me, we’ll both die”. The scorpion promises to keep its barb to itself and climbs on. At the river’s deepest section, the frog feels the barb piercing its back and poison flushing through its veins.

Nicola Sturgeon plea as ‘significant numbers’ of young people leave SNP in trans rights row

Nicola Sturgeon plea as ‘significant numbers’ of young people leave SNP in trans rights row

Wednesday, 27th January 2021, 8:28 pm Updated Wednesday, 27th January 2021, 10:02 pm In her statement posted on Wednesday evening, Ms Sturgeon said: “I don’t have much time for anything other than the fight against Covid right now but on some days silence is not an option.”

Additional 81 military personnel deploy to Scotland to support COVID vaccination roll-out

Additional 81 military personnel deploy to Scotland to support COVID vaccination roll-out

A further 57 military personnel will deploy to assist health boards across Scotland with the vaccine roll out, this is in addition to the 98 members of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards who are already supporting the vaccine effort.

45 Commando: Abroath-based Royal Marines begin intensive Arctic training

In pictures: 45 Commando Royal Marines begin ‘vital’ Arctic training

Arbroath-based 45 Commando Royal Marines have deployed to the ice of the Arctic following a rigorous quarantine period. The deployed marines – primarily from Arbroath-based 45 Commando – are to begin their 2021 winter deployment being put through their paces in one of the world’s most extreme environments.

RAF Lossiemouth: Fifth member of Poseidon fleet arrives

RAF Lossiemouth: Fifth Poseidon arrives | Press and Journal

RAF Lossiemouth’s fifth member of its new P-8 Poseidon fleet landed at the base for the first time today. Eventually nine of the submarine-hunting spy planes will operate from Moray while tasked with maintaining a watchful eye on the North Atlantic.

Brown urges Tory and SNP unity to help young Scots

Brown urges Tory and SNP unity to help young Scots – Daily Business

Former PM calls for action Gordon Brown: ‘this goes way beyond party politics’ (pic: Terry Murden) Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has today urged the Scottish and UK governments to set aside their differences to help avoid a jobs crisis among the young.

Covid: Four UK nations discuss joint Christmas approach

Covid: Four UK nations discuss joint Christmas approach

A Scottish government spokesperson said: “The four nations call had an initial discussion about a co-ordinated approach to issues such as travel over the Christmas period and discussed recent developments in testing, including the use of lateral flow testing to enable students to return home, and initial lessons from the Liverpool pilot.”